For qr code and barcode reader app for android phone, At some point of the development of Android application, occasionally it is required to provide a functionality that scans a QR code or barcode. Scanning the QR code can be achieved programmatically by means of the usage of many approaches: the usage of an internet-based API, where the QR code or barcode is uploaded to the server, and the server returns the results. the usage of an internet-based totally utility that accesses your camera and scans the QR code or barcode and returns the results. by means of Integrating the Mobile Vision API of Google Play Service. Here we are going to share the world how to create qr code or barcode reader app for android phone with certain steps. QR Code Scanner Example In this example, we will scan the QR code of a web URL and Email address, and act on it. Here we will use the Mobile Vision API of Google Play Service to scan the QR code. The Mobile Vision API su...